Criminal charges can vary greatly. Additionally, the penalties associated with a crime can differ as well. This is because there are both mitigating and aggravating factors to consider. This makes each criminal charge unique to the defendant facing the charge. Because of this, it is important that defendants view their criminal defense like this as well. There is no one size fits all criminal defense, meaning these can be design and catered to the details of the alleged crime.
Facing any type of crime can be an emotional experience, and our law firm realizes that it is often best to have solid and trustworthy guidance during this time. A Spicer Olin & Associates, P.C., our attorneys have years of experience helping clients in the Blacksburg area navigating criminal allegations.
We begin the process by understanding the details of the charges. We then gain a full picture of our clients, obtaining a criminal history from them. Because some criminal defense options are more suitable for some than others, we take the time to consider what may or may not work for our clients. Our diligent attorneys will conduct their own investigation, determining whether or not any of the evidence collected by the state is admissible. If we believe something was illegal obtained, we are prepared to take action to suppress that evidence.
To learn more, check out our law firm’s criminal defense website. Whether this is your first criminal allegation or not, it is vital to take the matter seriously. By timely addressing the matte, you can become well informed on the decisions you could make, helping you reduce and even dismiss the charges against you.