Memorial Day 2024 has come and gone, which means that the “100 Deadliest Days” of the year for teen drivers have started.
There’s an annual spike in fatal accidents between Memorial Day and Labor Day. During these months, teens are out of school, spending more time with their friends and on the roads, and – quite often – starting their journey as solo drivers, without adult oversight when they’re behind the wheel. All of those factors increase the likelihood of serious crashes involving these inexperienced drivers.
As a parent, what can you do?
This is the time to have a few heart-to-heart talks with your teen about summer driving safety. Here are some strategies that might help:
- Set expectations: Lay down some ground rules about driving, and make it clear to your teen that any deviation from the rules will result in automatic revocation of their driving privileges for a set period.
- Establish the rules: Rules should include no texting while driving, no driving under the influence and no speeding. Consider carefully whether your teen is allowed to have more than one friend in the car at a time.
- Enforce curfews: Limit nighttime driving, especially after 9 or 10 PM, when the risk of accidents increases. You can always leave this open for a “case-by-case” evaluation.
- Model safe driving: If you don’t put your seatbelt on for short trips, the odds are high that your teen won’t, either. Demonstrate good driving habits by avoiding phone use, obeying speed limits and always wearing your seatbelt.
- Discuss substance abuse: Be realistic about the possibility and let your teen know that you’d much rather pick them up from a party where they’ve had something to drink than have to go to the hospital or morgue. Be willing to give them a “free pass” on any consequences if they call for a ride.
Summer is one of the best times for new drivers to gain experience – and it should be filled with fun and exploration, not marred by tragedy. With the right approach, you can help your teens be safer.
Keep in mind that your teen can’t do much about the other drivers on the road, and accidents can still happen – and your teen may not be at fault. In that situation, it’s always wise to seek legal guidance to protect your teen’s interests.