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How “study drugs” lead to criminal charges

On Behalf of | Jun 13, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

Certain medications used to treat attention-deficit disorder (ADD) or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are stimulants – which have a different effect on the brains of people with ADD/ADHD than they do neurotypicals.

Neurotypical people sometimes obtain and use these drugs – such as Adderall and Ritalin – to give themselves an extra “boost” that helps with energy levels, concentration and cognitive performance. Known colloquially as “study drugs,” the misuse of these medications is problematic in several ways, not the least of which is the potential for criminal charges.

If you sell or give away your medication, that’s drug dealing 

There’s a hot market on college campuses for study drugs, so some students who have a prescription for the medications are tempted into selling their pills to make a little cash. That’s drug dealing – and the police won’t treat it any differently than if you’re caught selling meth on the corner.

Even if you just give your roommate a couple of your Adderall pills instead of selling them, you could be accused of drug distribution. In Virginia, that’s a felony that can lead to up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $500,000.

If you’re caught with study drugs, that’s possession

Maybe you’re on the other end of the equation, and you’ve sought a few doses of Ritalin to help you get through a crunch. If you’re caught with pills that aren’t yours, however, you will be treated like any other addict in possession of illegal drugs.

Since most study drugs are Schedule II substances under the Controlled Substances Act, that’s also a felony-level offense. You can receive between two and 10 years in prison and a fine of $2,500.

Don’t treat study drugs as a minor issue – because the authorities won’t. If you do make a mistake, exercise your right to remain silent until you fully understand the charges and your legal options.



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Photo of John N. Spicer and Kristopher Robert Olin